"It Was Truly a First Class!" / Gracias Choir US Cantata Tour # 6 Fort Wayne

by 10/09/2017 0 개의 댓글

★ City: Fort Wayne - Indiana's second city located in northeastern Indiana
★ Venue: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum - Arena with 5000 seats

Fort Wayne is one of the 25 smallest cities in the world with a population of 260,000. The name Fort Wayne was derived from the fortress here built in 1794 and named after the congressman Anthony Wayne during the American Revolutionary War against the United Kingdom. There are many large and small churches and sometimes called "the city of churches."

The Cantata was held for the second time in the year before last and held at the stadium in Allen County War Memorial.

"Gracias is a very charming and beautiful choir. Their sound and tone are very clear, firm and not scattered. Above all, the music filled with love warms the heart."

"The beautiful voices of the singers and high class orchestra was truly a first class. The beautiful stories that make the audience cry and laugh, especially when you follow the story of the match selling girl, everyone bear love in their hearts."

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