Those Who Waited for the Cantata / Gracias Choir US Cantata Tour # 1 Newark

by 10/01/2017 0 개의 댓글

★ City: Newark - It is the largest city in New Jersey with a population of about 280,000. It is a port city built by the Puritans who emigrated in 1666 and is one of New York's satellite cities.

★ Performance Venue: NJPAC (New Jersey Performing Arts Center) Prudential Hall - It is a hall of 2,800 seats arranged in the shape of a horseshoe. Being the modernest concert hall on the east coast, it has been appraised to have a warm sound.

Total Audience: 3,000 people

The 'North American Christmas Cantata Tour,' which celebrates its 7th anniversary this year, began in Newark, New Jersey. 
Many letters of appreciation were received by the mayor, the city council, and members of the city council for preparing a meaningful event for the citizens. 
Exclamation and smiles on the people's faces never left throughout the Gracias Choir's performance that matured even more from last year. 
Big cheers and applause filled the hall with each stage. 
Through the Cantata Tour, Jesus who was awoken in the hearts of the citizens will cover America with love.

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